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The ValPal Network enhancement - We've taken your ValPal to the next level!
We're happy to announce that we've teamed up with ResiAnalytics to make your ValPal leads even more effective. We’ve come up with two enhancements which take ValPal to the next level by increasing the probability of leads turning into market appraisals:
1. Firstly, the brainy team at ResiAnalytics have come up with a way of predicting how likely a home is to come onto the sales market in the near future. We're now providing you with this information at the same time as your ValPal lead. This means you can make better decisions on how and when you reach out to the prospective client. For example, you might want to pass 'hotter' leads onto particular members of your team and leave the rest to others. This will allow you to prioritise the leads and chase them more efficiently.
2. But that's not all…We're also now including the property-specific 'Area Score' as part of the lead. This shows you how desirable the property is in relation to the whole town or surrounding area, providing you with lots of insightful data to reference. Whereas before, the conversation you may have had with the lead could have been a bit flat and generic, now you can start proving you're a local market expert right from the start. As you know, location is the most important factor in price, and price is the most important consideration for the vendor - so you can use this information to your advantage to engage and excite prospective clients even more successfully.
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