All the latest from The ValPal Network
Converters: Live Chat
We all know ValPal is a great way to convert your website traffic into vendor and landlord leads by offering a free online valuation, but did you know that The ValPal Network also offers another means of converting your web traffic?
Introducing our Live Chat Facility; communication is key in 2018, and while traditional methods such as telephone and email are still vital, its also equally as beneficial to have another means of contact for potential clients who would prefer to communicate this way.
Our Live Chat Facility is unique in the sense that it is manned 24/7 with a script tried and tested to deter tenants from using it, by asking questions such as "Are you thinking of selling or letting your property?" The Live Chat targets vendors and landlords primarily, but will also pin down buyers, as we know around a third of buyers are also looking to sell.
The Live Chat tool is easy to add to your website, with no setup fee, no contract and at a cost per lead of £10 - so you only pay when you get a genuine lead with a name and email address or phone number.
It's a no brainer!

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