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All the latest from The ValPal Network

Agents: A ValPal lead API is now available

Agents: A ValPal lead API is now available

Subscribers to The ValPal Network are now able to integrate the leads generated by their instant online valuation tool with their CRM.

All you have to do is request the API from us and then liaise with your software provider in order for them to integrate it into your system.

The ValPal Network has agreements already in place with several software providers and is actively talking to a selection of other firms with the aim of making lead API integration a smooth and achievable process for all of our members.

We want to make it clear to our members that the lead API integration tech is available and has been for some time now. All you need to do is let us know that you want it, and then pass on the API to your software provider. It’s as simple as that.

The benefits of integrating a lead API into your CRM are wide-ranging. Firstly, it makes your team’s job less labour-intensive. Instead of receiving a lead via email and then pasting it into your system, the API automatically populates all leads generated by ValPal into your CRM, so your agents don’t have to.

As well as being more straight-forward, efficient and providing your agents with more time to spend contacting leads, the API also makes the whole process less clunky and more streamlined.

Here at The ValPal Network we’re keen to make lead API integration an industry standard for all our members and it’s something we’re working hard to achieve. One thing that will help to speed up this process is if more agents express an interest in lead APIs to their software providers. If the whole of The ValPal Network comes together on this, then it won’t be long before everyone is benefitting from this streamlined service.

If you’d like to find out more about integrating your ValPal leads through an API, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. 

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